I'm going to miss out on the church baby shower this Saturday (it's Clara's birthday and Stephen's school carnival), so I volunteered to make the corsages. Lots of times these include cute things like pacifiers, baby socks, little candies. Since there are some kids who are adopted and a little older, I thought it'd be fun to make little finger puppets. And I guess I've been a little saturated by the books I'm reading lately (Amos for Precepts, and A shepherd looks at Psalm 23) because they ended up being Lions for the mom's of the boys, and Lambs for the mom's of the girls.
Turned out pretty cute, right? The Lambs were a wreck until I called my super talented artist friend Melissa. She gave me some GREAT suggestions and it helped a ton. The absolute best part of this project was the smile on my husbands face when I told him that I did the entire thing from scraps and therefore cost NADA. :) I hope that the ladies like them!
Those look great Rachel! Your talented :)
HEHE! Glad to help, they turned out great! Super cute little lions and lambs... no dogs in the mix! :)