
Projects ...

I've been sewing up a storm - especially since Brian let me purchase some things to organize my sewing room for Mother's Day.  I LOVE making new stuff.  Here are some of the things I've been working on/modifying:
A purse for myself.
The pleats on both sides were a fun challenge.  I made it one long strap across the shoulders rather than the two short ones that the patter called for.  I also added a C-clip for my keys, a magnetic fastner for my safety conscious husband, a few pockets for sunglasses and my phone, and a zippered pocket.

A Car Organizer

This is from a craftapple pattern (highly recommend her, btw - great patterns and instructions).  I has a divider, 2 D rings to hold a trash bag, pockets for pens, cell phones, stuff.  I splurged on some Amy Butler fabric and was SO in love with it (Nigella Collection).  Beautiful and funky.

A Purse/Tote
 I made this for one of Stephen's teachers.  I added the webbing and snap across the top on a whim and ended up loving it.  I'm planning on making a few more.

Little Artist Case
Made for a little boy who was a new big brother.  I used a shoe-string for the closure, hoping it looked a little like a rope.  :) I made my nephew Evan one just like it.  

Re-usable Sandwich Bags
A new experiment.  It's a special fabric on the inside called PUL - what they make re-usable diapers out of.  It can be wiped clean or washed and dried on hot.  It's sealed with velcro.  I gave a few to a friend and am anxious to try some out this summer with fun fabrics on the outside.  
Thanks for looking and following!  I'm having a lot of fun - to the detriment of my cleaning and laundry.  :)  Brian's encouraging me to try and sell some things on etsy.  Anyone have any experience with that?  Makes me a bit nervous.  


  1. BEAUTIFUL work Rachel! I love it all. I SO wish we lived closer, i need a sewing teacher......my machine is collecting dust, I have no clue what Im doing!
    I love all your stuff, you could definitely sell it on etsy. I only have experience buying stuff on etsy, so I can't help there ;)


  2. Great stuff! Esty.com is a great place to sell but make sure you look at how much they want from per product you sell. I looked into them a while ago to sell my cards and craft projects and found that I would have to raise the price of my items just to make some money.

    I have found that its cheaper to do the craft fairs. They have them around the state and in WI. I know Burnsville Center seems to have them once a month. Just something to look into.

    Sarah Lehr

  3. Love the bags and the car organizer! I was just thinking of you this week, since I made myself a Nursing Cover (kind of like those Hooter Hiders that are out there) and it works great so far!

    I was wondering how you did all those fabulous baby blankets when Stephen was young and wondered how you did it! It seriously took me a week to finish this simple thing because Chase was ALL OVER trying to get at scissors, tape measures and the Iron (of all things!).

    Also, my friend from college has her stuff up on Etsy, and it seems to be working for her... I haven't heard anything negative, at least. You could sell your 'Ribbon' blankies... so lovely!
